A Unfailing Love
The word love is such a powerful word, and often times is very vague. When asking people what love means to them, often times they have a hard time describing this word, and use phrases such as a feeling I have when I'm around someone, like butterflies in my stomach. Often times the word love is taken out of context and is used freely. People may say they love a certain movie, song, activity, or even use it loosely when it comes to friendships and relationships. When I was working with an adolescent student who constantly used the word love in a relationship she has with an adolescent male at her school, I challenged this student on what love means to her, and how did she know this was love she had for this male student. As this student struggled to describe what love means to her, she could only think of how this male student makes her feel and what he does for her. As I thought about how this student described love to me, it made me think about God's love for me ...