
Showing posts from November, 2017

Beautifully Created in God’s Image

In 2017, the word beauty has a variety of meanings. When people think about the meaning of beauty, what usually comes to mind is something that is pleasing and attractive to the eye. Such as a person, clothing, nature, or a physical object. When looking up the word beauty, it is defined as a combination of qualities such as, shape, color, or form, and that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. Today, we measure beauty by how we look, the latest fashion trends, and material possessions we can obtain. We are such fickle people and look to beauty to find fulfillment in our lives. We often compare our beauty to other people and look down on others who we deem as ugly or that don’t look like us. But when have we stopped and looked at beauty in its truest form. Realizing that God created us each uniquely beautiful in our own way as we are God’s masterpiece. For we truly are God’s masterpiece. “He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned f...