Hearing God's Voice
In a world with so many different distractions and filled with violence, it feels like now more
than ever, believers (including myself) have a difficult time hearing the voice of God. We
become so distracted with school, work, family, social media, the president election, etc.
that we just completely miss hearing God’s voice. Often times you hear believers say “I just
want to hear God’s voice” or “How do I know that this is God speaking to me”? Let me ask
you this, if you got lost in a crowded place, would you be able to identify the voice of a loved
one from the voice of a stranger? I know if I was to get lost from a family member or a close
friend, and they called me by name, I would instantly know that it is them because I know
them, I have a relationship with them, and because they called me by name. If you know
someone you also know their voice, and when they call you, without even looking at them
you are able to identify them because you know their voice and you spend time with them.
The same thing can be said with our relationship with God, in order to know and hear God’s
voice, we have to spend time with Him, and we have to know who He is. When God calls us
be name we are able to know it is God calling us, if we have an intimate relationship with
God our father. I know if my earthly father called me by name I would know it was him
calling me, and I would answer his voice. The same needs to be said with God who is our
heavenly Father, when He calls us we need to 1. know it is God calling us, and 2. answer
God’s voice.
Each and every moment of the day, we must choice whether we are going to become
distracted by this world and block the opportunity to hear God’s voice, or to put earthly
things aside and to get into the word of God so that we can hear God’s voice. John 10:1-5;
27 says. “Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the
gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. 2 The one who enters by the
gate is the shepherd of the sheep. 3 The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep
listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they
know his voice. 5 But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him
because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.” 27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know
them, and they follow me. I don’t know about anyone else, but when I read these verses it
makes me want to shout because God is my shepherd, and He leads the way if I allow
Him to. Now, there are a couple of things these verse point out. First of all God is our
shepherd because He should be the head over our lives, taking care of us and providing for
us. Accepting God into your lives is the only way to get accepted into Heaven, and because
of this as the scripture states, only God who is our shepherd can enter the gate. The enemy
(the devil) cannot go through the gate, and so he will use whatever tactic he can to cross the
gate and to rob the shepherd of His sheep. Even though the devil tries to steal the
shepherd’s sheep, true sheep of the shepherd does not follow the voice of the robber
because they do not follow the voice of a stranger. And the ones that do follow the voice of
a stranger are in fact goats, and not sheep, because sheep do not follow the voice of the
get into the word! We have to read God’s word, and go to Him in prayer in order to have a
relationship with God. Like any other relationship it takes time and effort to get to know
someone, and the same can be said with our relationship with God. If we truly have a
relationship with God we can tell whether it is God, ourselves or the devil that is speaking to
us. And let me tell you knowing which of the three that is talking to you plays a major
impact on how you live your life. If you start to listen to the voice of the devil you will be off
track with God’s purpose for your life, and you will start to feel horrible about yourself. But if
you listen to the voice of God, you will be following the purpose He has for your life, you will
obey God and abide in His word. By obeying God you will have this sense of confidence in
Him, and even through the difficult times you can still find a way to feel good about yourself
and to be confident in God and His promises for your life. If you are questioning whether it is
God or the devil that you are listening to, there are key factors that can help you determine
who you are listening too. If you are listening to the devil than negative thoughts we will form
in your mind, you will feel rushed, scared, confused, condemned, stressed, discouraged,
and worried. However if you are listening to God’s voice you will feel still, reassured,
encouraged, led by God, forgiving, calm, empowered, and comforted. So you must be alert
to who you are listening to. The way you live your life and how you feel will show you
whether your listening to God or the devil. But it’s up to us to make sure that every second
we are following God’s voice and not the voice of the stranger.
Remember that it is never too late to listen to the voice of God, if you have been listening to
yourself and the devil for many years, than now is the perfect time to form a relationship
can determine where you spend eternity. You have to ask yourself is my friends and family,
job or anything else in my life blocking me from hearing God’s voice? Or are they
encouraging me and leading me to hear the voice of God. And always remember that God
longs to have a relationship with you. He wants you to hear His voice, and he wants to have
a friendship with you. God is talking, and He is waiting to have a conversation with you.
Now it’s up to you to make sure you hear the voice of God.
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